tagged ridhi

malas la nak layan benda ni...tapi takot ada orang kecik hati lak.
so ambik masa isi jap...
for those blogger y visit page aq...
kamu sume berhak di tag oleh aQ k..

1)What is the name u like people calling u most?

2)Who is the closest opposite gender friend you got?
>susah sangat nak jawab la...ramai sangat ni

3)If a genie wants to grant u a wish,what will the wish be?
>aq just tamau xcident bile bwak keta je..sampai bila2

4)What is the most weird activity u've done in ur life?
>aq rasa aq usha laki len bila dpn pak cik tu

5)What is ur definition of love?
>laove itu cinta la..apanama

6)How do u imagine urself 10 years in the future?
>nak naik DG48
>sibuk jaga anak orang*my students la tu)
>nak tukar kerja masuk ppd o kat putrajaya
>baru nak cari laki wat teman

7)3 words that are best to describe u r...?

2 anak murid:

mr ridhi said... []

bls dndam nmpk

.alie. said... []

am i need to do so?