am i care?

aku memang totally lost...
mau marah tapi tu bukan sekarang...

kaki penyibuk
bz body

semua benda aq cakap ko nak komen ae...
komen ar..
kat blog ni..
bukan kat lain
if u dare....

ohh plz stop make me being rude towards other...( it u )
this is my story not ur story
if u r trying to make analysis this is not the place...
make it ur own blog and write it to ur blog about ur opinion...
as like u love too...
u r not welcome to be here..
and if u read this....

am i care about ur feeling
that is the same thing that u had done to me...

p/s: readers aq teramat tension dan sori entry sepanjang minggu ini bersifat emosi semata-mata.tukang bebel dalam mud yang tidak selesa..

0 anak murid: